What kind of signs and symptoms are experienced by using Hydrocodone Overdose

Hydrocodone Overdose

Hydrocodone is an amazing drug that is used to fix health issues quickly and safely. One of the best parts of this drug acts as a quick pain reliever.  This particular drug is used to control moderate to severe pain and it works well to reduce the symptoms of pain. So, the patient can buy hydrocodone online without a prescription easily with overnight delivery.

Hydrocodone and acetaminophen is the most common combination. Taking hydrocodone overdose can cause extensive liver damage, which can lead to a short duration or even permanent work. All signs and symptoms occur when the patient takes a high dose or multiple doses of the Hydrocodone at the same time.

Taking multiple doses called overdose of the hydrocodone drug. If the patient delay getting treatment through the doctor then the health condition becomes more worsen and hard to handle. The has good knowledge about the drug and prescribed those medicine that can directly hit the symptoms of health issue.

Hydrocodone Overdose

The following are the symptoms of Hydrocodone Overdose:

  • Seizures,
  • Confusion,
  • Vomiting,
  • Limp body,
  • Body pain,
  • Pinpoint pupils,
  • Low blood pressure,
  • Clammy, cold skin,
  • Seriously short or close breath,
  • Yellow skin, especially in the face,
  • Blue color for lips and nails,
  • Lower back pain,
  • Fainting or non-accountability,
  • Dizziness or illiteracy,

These symptoms make the patient sicker and injured, Therefore, if the patient suffering any one of these then contact immediately to get treatment. Because the symptoms affect the patient in severe condition and, perhaps, many times death is reported.

What Is Hydrocodone Overdose and Abuse?

Well, excess of anything is bad. And the same rule is applied to this particular drug. This particular drug is potentially addictive in nature. Well, this drug gives quick relief to moderate to severe pain and that’s the reason why it works as a pleasure to most people. Although the drug is consumed orally, there are people who misuse it for getting the desired relief. There are people who consume the drug by snorting, smoking, and many such things.

 Even some people choose to inject the drug. But these methods of consuming the drug may lead to higher risk. The drug brings a sensation and a quick relief, that wears off in just three to four hours. And in that cases, people generally end up consuming the drug multiple times and it finally leads to an overdose of the drugs. They generally want to end up those withdrawal symptoms of the drug, and results in Hydrocodone abuse and overdose.      

Signs of Hydrocodone Abuse

The drug’s addiction symptoms include physical and behavioral effects. Possibility of physical dependence and tolerance are possible with hydrocodone use. Because tolerance can occur, people addicted to hydrocodone may need to gradually increase the dosages of use to achieve a euphoric high and prevent withdrawal symptoms. Knowing the signs and symptoms of Hydrocodone abuse can help people in recovering from it. 

Physical Signs: The physical signs of hydrocodone addiction and abuse include the physical effects of using the substance and also the physical symptoms of withdrawal.The physical effects of hydrocodone use include:

  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Nausea
  • vomiting
  • Slowed breathing
  • Slowed heartbeat
  • Slowed digestion leading to constipation
  • Poor coordination
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Slurred speech
  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • The physical symptoms of withdrawal from hydrocodone include:
  • Vomiting
  • Muscle pain
  • bone pain
  • Feeling itchy
  • Feeling nervous
  • Chills
  • Insomnia

Behavioral Signs: In addition to the physical signs of hydrocodone’s use, certain behaviors can indicate substance use disorder. 

  • Slowed thinking 
  • poor decision making
  • Hiding needle marks from the view of others
  • Increased risk-taking behavior
  • Decreased motivation
  • Abandonment of routine responsibilities
  • Drug-seeking behaviors associated with hydrocodone addiction include:
  • Disregarding personal safety or interpersonal relationships 
  • The compulsive desire for hydrocodone 
  • maintain the financial means to buy hydrocodone
  • doctor-shopping

Side Effects of Hydrocodone Abuse

Well, like any other drug the Hydrocodone also have such side effects that we will discuss in this particular section.  The side effects can be short term side-effects as well as long term side effects. 

Short Term Effects Of Hydrocodone

When hydrocodone enters the brain, it binds to certain receptors called opioid receptors and causes a rush or a high and diminishes pain sensations. So below are some short term side effects of Hydrocodone drugs. 

  • Warm flushing skin
  • Slow and clouded mental functioning
  • Stomach pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea 
  • vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Going “on the nod” — swinging back-and-forth between conscious and semi-conscious state
  • Muscle tightening
  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Chest pain

Possible overdose symptoms including significantly reduced and shallow breathing, coma, and death.

Long Term Effects Of Hydrocodone

The Hydrocodone drug can also lead to serious long term health issues. Below are some of the long-term effects that one needs to be aware of.

  • Insomnia
  • Damage to the nose 
  • Liver disease 
  • Constipation 
  • stomach cramping
  • Sexual dysfunction for men 
  • irregular menstrual cycles for women
  • Kidney disease
  • Muscle breakdown
  • Mental disorders including depression and personality disorders
  • Development of tolerance results in the person needing more frequent and higher doses
  • Physical dependence leading to withdrawal symptoms
  • Desire to use other substances, such as heroin.

Precaution to overcome Hydrocodone symptoms

Most of the patients take high doses of hydrocodone medication to reduce the symptoms of health-related issues. Taking high doses of any kind of drug is increasing the symptoms of health issues. They forget to read the following instructions outlined in the drug packet in the section of the warning.

In studies of FDA, Hydrocodone can also cause miosis in total darkness. Pinpoint pupils are just signs of opioid overdose but not of pathognomonic. Marked mydriasis may be seen with hypoxia in overdose conditions instead of miosis.

Hydrocodone is a combination drug and these combination products put the user at a higher risk for general loss due to the overdose on any of these with other drugs. It could be more harmful to the patient and injured seriously. So, the patient should get alert to take any medicine without physician advice and don’t take double doses for fast relief.

In case, dosage does not work properly to control the symptoms of health issues then talk with your physician, they will give you a good suggestion.

Risk Factors of Hydrocodone Overdose

The hydrocodone merchandise treats strictly for each person. So, the victim will be kept in Associate in Nursing and the victim will have the risk of experiencing an Associate in Nursing outside the physician’s suggestions. The alternative factor which will increase the risk of acquiring a person as a hydrocodone dose:

  • Using Hydrocodone Drugs Differently, It can absorb them by crushing and sniffing, dissolving them and taking injections, or taking more quantity than the prescribed quantity.
  • Do not take the physician’s prescription while carrying Hydrocodone. The Prescription Field Unit recovers strictly for each patient, and the dosage for one person is very high for an additional.
  • Increasing dose of Hydrocodone is more and more abused, Hydrocodone users develop a tolerance, once they need to raise the dosage to make an equal high urge. These increasing dosages can eventually push the user into the dose field.
  • Use of Hydrocodone when the Associate in Nursing increases the amount of restraint. Once in a nursing extended time, the person’s tolerance is reset with the restraint for the associate. Returning to the pre-restricted dose, the patient will be at greater risk of dose.
  • Hydrocodone mercenary shaking with alternative medicine. The effect or combination of alternative medicines can have an effect, which has a lot of excellent symptoms.

Symptoms of Hydrocodone Drug Addiction

Well, if you take this medication regularly or more than prescribed doses. Then you will face the Hydrocodone overdose or drug addiction signs and symptoms. However, it denotes some of the most common signs and symptoms of hydrocodone addiction and use, these are given below:

  • Anxiety
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Nasal congestion
  • Constipation with long-term use

Although some of the Hydrocodone abuse or misuse has been associated with the following given below signs and symptoms:

  • Fear
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Seizures
  • lightheadedness
  • Ringing in the ear
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Blurred vision

However, most of these symptoms may be restated as some signs, that can give a hint to the concerned or affected person and let him know about what is happening with him. Although the person who experiences hydrocodone abuse can be found in the given below signs and symptoms:

  • The person may experience withdrawal due to the slovenly, depression, or have an ongoing downcast look.
  • Due to the confusion, the person may not keep a discussion on the expected course.
  • Because of blurred vision, if at all the person may not maintain focus, walks slowly, or bumps into things.
  • As a result of the problem of headaches, the person possibly complains or may ask for help.
  • The problem of seizure is a dangerous and obvious sign. Therefore if a seizure occurs to you then emergency medical help is needed.

Hydrocodone Withdrawal and Dependence

Different individuals experience different symptoms as a result of hydrocodone abuse. But all individuals who abuse hydrocodone have one thing in common: They will eventually develop an addiction. Over time, as a person takes an addiction-forming drug, physical dependence will develop. A hallmark of dependence is tolerance. The more a person takes hydrocodone, the more they will have to use to achieve the desired high.

Withdrawal is another hallmark of dependence. When a person stops using hydrocodone or significantly reduces the regular level of intake, withdrawal symptoms will emerge. The following are some of the most common early withdrawal symptoms associated with hydrocodone:

  • Anxiety
  • Increased tearing
  • Runny nose
  • Muscle aches
  • Agitation
  • Insomnia
  • Yawning
  • Sweating

Withdrawal symptoms that occur in the later stages of this process include, but are not limited to:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dilated pupils
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Goosebumps

Since hydrocodone withdrawal can be very uncomfortable and bring ill health effects, there is a consensus in the addiction treatment community that a person should undergo medical detox for opiate withdrawal. There are medications available to safely transition a person from a drug, such as hydrocodone, to a maintenance medication such as Suboxone (buprenorphine). The transition can prevent the onset of dangerous withdrawal symptoms as well as help to prevent a relapse.

Behavioral Symptoms Due to Hydrocodone

Due to drug withdrawals, there is a possibility of some behavioral signs and symptoms of narcotic drug abuse. However, Hydrocodone drugs frequently demand more attention, time, money, and energy. Besides, there are certain to be obvious changes in a person who is improving from recreational drug usage to opioid use dysfunction.

The given below are some of the most obvious behavioral signs and symptoms that abuse or some addiction is occurring:

Unmanaged look

However, the person may look disheveled, and the hygiene can be reduced, clothes can be dirty, and grooming of such may be significantly decreased. This may owe to a reduction of awareness or interest in oneself because of the absorption of using such drugs.

Affected performance

People may perform very poorly at work, school, or home. The change can be sudden. Although a person can not satisfy obligations collectively or be uncharacteristically weak through handling responsibilities that used to be fitted just fine.

Financial loss

It can be draining your finances when you need to pay for the hydrocodone abuse. However, the individual may exhaust all available assets such as money in bonds, bank accounts, and even your pension plans. Although the items of ranging value can go missing from such a person’s home, from the living quarters of friends and family, or a neighbor’s house.

Change in behavior

Behavioral changes can be possible due to such drug abuse. All these changes can be include being socially withdrawn, lying, being secretive, or treating people poorly, and hanging out with some new people.

Using street slang

A person can abuse differently opioid drugs interchangeably. Street names are dependent on the exact branded medication that is being used. For example, Lortab may be known as tabs, and hydrocodone drugs can be referred to as hydros. Other street names include vikes, Vics, or Vico for Vicodin.

Medical checkups must be done. Whether the person is going from doctor to doctor to get hydrocodone pills and avoiding detection or buying them on the street, there will be costs involved. According to StreetRx, 10 mg hydrocodone pills very affordable across the US. In Rhode Island, one 30 mg hydrocodone pill may cost as much ash.

Due to the need to pay for hydrocodone, and possibly not being able to work and earn money, there are going to be many changes to the person. Uncharacteristic behavior, in general, can be a strong sign that drug abuse is occurring. There are different ways that hydrocodone can be abused, which means that different signs may manifest as a result of the method selected.

Hydrocodone can be chewed, snorted, or injected. According to online drug use forums, it appears that while hydrocodone can be smoked, it’s not usually the preferred method of use. There will be little if any paraphernalia associated with chewing the drug. However, individuals who snort hydrocodone will at a minimum require some sort of crushing device.

To inject hydrocodone, a person will at least need a syringe, something to cook it in (like a spoon), a heat source (like a lighter or candle), and possibly bands or ropes to help find a vein. Some refer to these instruments as a kit. If a concerned person finds a kit, there is likely going to be little room for doubt that injection drug use is occurring.

How To Get Quick Treatment For Hydrocodone Side Effects?

If the user is injured with any Hydrocodone side effects, it is easy to contact the nearest physician immediately to get treatment for the health problem. The physician provides you better treatment and prescribes reliable medication for you to get well soon. Symptoms or Side Effects are increasing day by day.

Because the patient takes an overdose of the Hydrocodone drug and delay the treatment at the right time. Hydrocodone overdose requires the use of Naloxone drugs. This is an anti-overdose compound that prevents the overdose of Hydrocodone at the receptor level. Naloxone delivers thousands of hydrocodone and opioid overdose offerings every year.

It is a very serious risk that comes with abuse. There is no better time to get better help from this situation. Contact the nearest physician and talk to a health specialist.  To all this process find the best solution to meet your needs. Because today you are on your way to recovering the health.

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