Before we start off with Severe Pain Medications. I want to give you a brief about What is Pain?
Pain is described as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. This is basically a textbook definition so let me break down this into the key component. This definition is saying that pain is incredibly personal, it’s subjective and it’s is unique to that individual. Medications For Severe Pain can help you to reduce it.

Inherent within that is a recognition that everybody experiences pain differently for the same stimulus or the same injury. For example, ask 10 random people to touch a hot cup of tea and ask to give their pain score out of 10. It will be surprising to see all the student ratings will be different as some students will rate very less pain while other students will rate very high. Now let get back to our topic.
What is Medication?
Medications For Severe Pain is something used to cure an ill patient or to treat the patient who is suffering from pain. Medication is highly used by the doctor when a patient visits them with pain or medical condition. Medications are of various types, treatments, and use.
What is Severe Pain?
Severe pain is those pain that lasts for more than 6 months and is known as Severe pain. This pain is also called Chronic pain. Patients with Severe Pain are not able to perform their daily living activities.
Cause of Severe pain
Chronic pain generally happens to old age people because of weak bone & joints or being overweight which puts excess strain on the back and knees. However other common cause of chronic pain can be damage of nerves due to injuries which is not properly heal. Some common cause of Chronic Pain is below:-
- Poor Posture for many years
- Carrying heavyweight without proper equipment
- Offen wearing high heels
- Being Overweight
- Not sleeping on a good quality mattress
- Improper diet
Severe Pain Medications & Treatment
Treatment or Medications For Severe Pain is different for everyone as there are as diverse as the cause. There are lots of different approaches to treating a patient who is suffering from chronic pain such as Over-The-Counter(OTC), prescription drug and least moderate technique that is acupuncture. In the recent study found that no sole technique assures you complete pain relief. For the best result, there should be a combination of different treatment techniques.
Combination of Medications For Severe Pain may be combined of:-
- Physical therapy
- Exercise
- Acupuncture
- Relaxation techniques
- Psychological counseling
Some of the Medication for Severe Pain Treatments:-
- Drug therapy: Drug remedy, also known as pharmacotherapy, is a preferred time period for the use of medicinal drugs to treat the disorder. Pills interact with receptors or enzymes in cells to promote healthful functioning and reduce or treat illness. Medicines are heavily researched and examined before being prescribed to sufferers, but can also have unanticipated results while blended with positive foods, natural treatments or different capsules.
- Trigger Point Injection: The injection may be an anesthetic along with lidocaine (Xylocaine) or bupivacaine (Marcaine), a combination of anesthetics, or a corticosteroid (cortisone medicine) on my own or combined with lidocaine. On occasion, a needle by myself is inserted into the trigger point, and no medicine is injected. This can be helpful and with this procedure, the temporary ache is relieved.
- Surgical Implant: This treatment comes into play when all the other Medications treatment fails. The surgical implant is a very rare technique to help you control the chronic pain. There are two types of Surgical implants such as Intrathecal Drug Delivery and Spinal cord Stimulation Implants.
- Intrathecal Drug Delivery: Intrathecal drug delivery makes uses of a pump to deliver small doses of pain remedy directly to the liquid nearby the spinal twine via a small catheter. A catheter is a small, tender tube.
- Spinal Cord Stimulation Implants: It is a device that is surgically placed inside the skin which is used for sending a mild electric current to the spinal cord. When switching on, the Spinal Cord Stimulation the nerves where the pain is located. Pain reduces because it stops the signal from reaching the brain with the help of the electrical pulse.
- Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is a treatment that does not involve any kind of medicine or drugs. Physical therapy is performed by a well-trained physiotherapist which includes massage, exercise, and heat treatment. This technique is mostly used as it promotes the ability to move, decrease pain help make our body more functioning and prevent our body from disability.
- Exercise: As research has shown that regular exercise can reduce Chronic Pain. In chronic pain, an individual cannot perform their daily life activities but by just doing regular exercise like walking, cycling, swimming, and sometimes yoga can help an individual by improving muscle tone, strength, and flexibility. While doing regular exercise our body release endorphins which is a natural painkiller that can diminish the chronic pain.
- Psychological treatment: Not all treatments include medicine/drugs, therapy or any kind of surgery. Some treatments need to reduce mental illness such as Anger, depression, anxiety, stress and all that can cause a lack of sleep. Psychological treatment helps us to bear with the pain.
Types of Severe Pain Medications
- Opioids(Narcotics): These Medications are generally medicine or drug prescribed by a doctor to their patient who is suffering from chronic pain. These are people who have head pain or back pain, people who just recovered from surgery or those who had a sports injury or sometimes senior citizens with weak bones and joint The side effect of this medication is sleeping disorder, constipation, and nausea. Overdose of Opioids can lead to difficulty in breathing, decreased heart rate and loss of consciousness.
- NSAIDs and Acetaminophen: This medication is also known as Paracetamol and is generally does not need any doctor prescription. It is available in any pharmacy and can be purchase without any hassle. Many patients with chronic pain assume on a daily basis as they give short term relief from pain but not the long term. Assuming too much can lead to its side effects such as stomach pain, dark urine, etc.
- Antidepressants: This Medication can help in relieving the cause of depression, people having an anxiety disorder, seasonal affective disorder, dysthymia, and chronic depression.
- Anticonvulsants: It depresses the central nervous system and suppresses excessive neuron function. The goal of treatment is to reduce seizures to a level that allows somebody to lives as normal a life as possible. It treats Migraine headaches, Epileptic seizures, Neuropathic pain, and Bipolar disorder.
- Topical Analgesics: This Medication is basically applied to the skin. This is both prescribe & not prescribed by the doctor and can easily be purchase by any pharmacy (OTC). Types of Topical Analgesics are such as lotion, cream, and patches. Topical Analgesics also have side effects if applied to the sensitive area can cause irritation and rashes. This medication is not to be swallowed by mouth as it contains the chemical substance which can harm our internal body part. Keep away from children.
Use of Medications for Severe Pain
The Use for Medications for Severe Pain is to give relive from the long time pain which is more than 6 months. These pain can be of a lifetime and can also lead to death sometimes. To stop Chronic pain or Severe pain is to take action at the correct time when injury or some unpleasant pain starts to emerge.
The biggest mistake an individual does is to cope up with the pain or bear the pain until they become severe and then take action may sometimes be very late and the disease or pain turns into chronic pain. So the use of Medication for chronic pain is to give short-term or long-term relive according to their pain respectively. There are various treatments and types of Medications for Chronic Pain.
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